Mutism is an unwillingness or inability to speak. This results in the absence of a specific verbal output or paucity. It is a selective mutism and a complex psychological disorder. Traditional therapies include CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy. However, Hijama for Mutism is also a preferred alternative therapy.
Also known as cupping therapy, this ancient practice uses cups on certain points of the body. It offers therapeutic benefits in a non-invasive manner.
The Connection between Mutism and Hijama
In general, Hijama is associated with physical ailments like detoxification. There is growing evidence that Hijama is also beneficial in treating physiological issues like mutism. The basic theory is that it regulates the energy flow of the body, balances hormones, and enhances the nervous system. The benefits of Hijama for mutism are described below.
Stress and Anxiety Regulation
A major cause of mutism is anxiety, and Hijama is said to relieve stress by enhancing blood circulation. When you avail yourself of therapy from the professional experts of a reputed clinic like Cup Cure, it offers optimal care and results. The experts will target specific areas, especially around the head, neck, and upper back. Targeting anxiety levels helps engage verbal communication.
Better Brain Function
Cupping therapy for mutism improves blood circulation, which affects brain function. Better circulation sends more oxygen, which is essential for enhancing focus, cognitive abilities, and speech production.
Proper Detoxification
The most popular reason why Hijama is done is because of its detoxifying effects. This plays a proper role in the hormonal balance of the body. This, in turn, balances the nervous system and elevates its ability to work properly. For those who have mutism, activating nerves and enhancing the overall function of the body’s neurological health works well in effective communication.
Understanding the Connection
The various proven treatments of mutism include stimulus fading, shaping, self-modelling, speech therapy, and behavioural therapy. All of these factors are directly connected with the nervous and cognitive space of your mind. Cupping targets the same.
In fact, it is more suited for cases of mutism where the underlying cause is stress and anxiety. There is a lot of ongoing research going on as well regarding its complete effectiveness.
Final Words
Hijama therapy for mutism stands as a complementary therapy for individuals suffering from mutism. It can help reduce stress, enhance blood circulation, and improve brain function. Combined with other treatments, it can help individuals combat mutism and get back their speech. However, be sure to get the therapy from a reputable clinic.
Cup Cure offers high-end cupping therapy to individuals suffering from various issues like pain, anxiety, and more. They have a team of trained therapists who have extensive knowledge and experience and also offer training to students who want to be professional Hijama therapists.