Advantages Of Cupping Therapy or Hijama Therapy


Mechanical stimulation: During cupping, the negative pressure in the cup can cause the rupture of local capillaries to produce the phenomenon of autolysis, stimulate the body’s microcirculation system, improving local blood circulation, and strengthening the body’s protection and immune functions, thereby forming an optimal stimulation.

Here are the Advantages Of Cupping Therapy

Warm stimulation: During hijama, the heating action of the cup can promote the expansion of local blood vessels, increase blood flow, and speed up blood circulation, thus improving the blood supply and nutrients supply to the skin, promoting metabolism, and improving the patient’s conditions and restoring their health

Anti-inflammation and relieving pain: Cupping can promote local blood circulation. Strengthened local blood circulation can improve the metabolism of inflammatory exudate and pain factors at the local lesion, and further decrease or eliminate their stimulation to nerve endings, thereby eliminating inflammation, relieving pain and achieving the purpose of treatment.

Detoxification: During hijama, the negative pressure in the cup can cause the rupture of a local blood vessels, thus directly discharging local accumulation of metabolic wastes, and at the same time, improving respiration of the skin, which is conducive to the excretion and detoxification of sweat glands and sebaceous glands, and increasing metabolism in human bodies.

Regulating the immune function: Research has found that cupping can increase the total number of white blood cells, and at the same time, improve the phagocytic ability of white blood cells as the α-globulin and β-globulin in blood increase obviously under the effect of mechanical, bleeding and congestion, thus greatly increasing the body’s defense immunity.

Two-way optimal regulative effect: hijama has the effect of a two-way optimal regulation. Take cupping at Zhongwan point as an example, when the stomach and intestine are inhibited, can inhibit their functions. Another example is cupping at Tianshu point, when constipation occurs, helps relieve constipation. When Diarrhoea occurs, can stop Diarrhoea. The two-way optimal regulative effect of hijama therapy is consistent with the improvement of the disease.

Read: Benefits of Cupping Therapy

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